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Captured Grace

She looked out of her window
At God's amazing grace
Blessed by enchanting beauty
A smile crossed her face.

The fog rolled through so slowly
The shadows cast long and deep
Oh, what a glorious morning
And a sight she longed to keep.

Reaching for her camera
She thought of days gone past
As the shutter flickered at her touch
She knew this moment would last.

A moment in time captured on film
A memory never to fade
She thanked Him again
For every day that He had made.

Calling out into the morning air
A tear slipped from her eye
"Oh dear Lord, how I love thee
And I praise your name on high."

© Wendy Trackey 5/7/2011
Inspired by the photography of Joyce Rose
Webset created using the photography of Joyce Rose.
All Rights Reserved. No part of this website is public domain.